Designed for Dyslexics, Effective for Everyone
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Sign up or login below and you can get started on our latest online topic packs – read a booklet, download and complete the workbook or try a quiz. There’s lots to do for each topic.
Now available for KS1, KS2, KS3, Common Entrance and GCSE!
Build strong foundations with our KS3 content and master the building blocks for your GCSE exams.
Our GCSE topic range includes some of the trickiest GCSE science modules covered by the exam boards. Nailing these topics will really help you gain your best possible marks.
Start making your revision faster and more effective right here. Just jump in, have a go!
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Illustrated Topic Books
Fully illustrated online topic booklets with glossaries of key words and terms, numbered sections and short sentences.

Downloadable Illustrated Workbooks
Download as many workbooks as you need. These follow the topic book and are designed to aid independent study.

Activities to Reinforce Learning
Practising retrieving information from memory is essential in order to move information from your short term to long term memory.
What a few of our users have to say…

“The presentation greatly reduces stress and anxiety whether tackling a new topic or revising an old one. Oaka Books are developed to support Dyslexic learners but appeal to all types of learning styles. Thank you for creating an amazing product that speaks to the most valued customer, our children!”
– Rwanda (Parent)

“Excellent all round! Oaka Digital is excellent value, highly usable, tracked results – I highly recommend!”
– Debbie (Parent)

“Fantastic! My 13yr old loves using the digital platform. Well presented, easy to read and digest information, with good links to resources and quizzes to reinforce learning Good learning experience – would recommend.”
– Victoria R. (Home Educator)

“These books are amazing! As a dyslexic, who teaches dyslexics, these books have been well thought out and designed. Would highly recommend. Thanks Oaka.”
– Cassandra Rollet-May​ (SEND consultant and Dyslexia Teacher)