About Oaka Books & Oaka Digital
What do we do?
Oaka Books specialises in creating accessible, curriculum-based resources designed for dyslexic and other Special Educational Needs (SEN) pupils so that they can gain confidence in the classroom and be the best that they can be.
These students neither need, nor want, ‘dumbed down’ material. They want age-appropriate resources presented in an accessible format and that is exactly what we aim to give them.

Why was Oaka started?
Oaka was started in 2013 because our co-founder, Bambi Gardiner’s daughter, who is severely dyslexic, could not access school resources and revision guides. Bambi turned her notes (such as they were!) and school resources into visual and multisensory activities, incorporating lots of information retrieval techniques. Her grades went from depressing E’s, F’s and U’s to thrilling A’s and B’s, just by changing how information was being presented to her and how she was then using it. The idea for Oaka Books was born.
We now work with a number of subject specialist teachers as well as SEN experts to deliver curriculum-based learning in an accessible, non-stressful and encouraging format.
Do Oaka products work?
Over 550 UK schools use our award-winning resources with great success in the classroom. Thousands of parents (we currently have over 5,000 customers) use Oaka resources to help support their children at home, both home educators and those with children at school.
Oaka Digital has been available for the past few years for KS3 topic packs but we have now created this new platform for our GCSE Science topics. We recognise that all students like to learn differently, some will prefer an online option, others will prefer paper based learning. That’s why we are offering both. You can view our paper based topic books and packs here.
What is Oaka Digital?
Oaka Digital is an online library of our resources.
It allows you to have access to our KS3, Common Entrance and GCSE topics (online topic booklets, downloadable workbooks and online quizzes) either as a home user (with up to 1 user) or as a group, school or tutor (with a school subscription). We are thrilled that Oaka resources can now be made available to many more pupils through Oaka Digital at a very low cost per pupil.
Please do feel free to get in touch if you have any questions at all!